Blog and Forum for CPWD Planning Application developed by V. J. Reddy

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Master Database with Correction Slip No. 9 to DSR 2007 (CS1 to DSR reprint 2010) and upto Correction Slip No. 6 to DAR 2007 (CS1 to DAR reprint 2010)

The latest master database file incorporating upto the Correction Slip No. 9 to DSR 2007 (CS 1 to DSR reprint 2010) and upto Correction Slip No. 6 to DAR 2007 (CS 1 to DAR reprint 2010) can be downloaded from the following link

After downloading the file please unzip, and follow the instructions contained in the file How to update CPA Master Database EstMastero07 with _latest_Correction_Slips.html to update the master database. Updating your master database will not change the NS or mDSR items and only updates the DSR, DAR and BasicRates of DSR. The time required for updation may vary from 200 seconds to 900 seconds. Hence, please wait when the program updates the master database

V J Reddy
